Thanks for visiting my little home on the worldwide web. This is my new blog where I’ll occasionally be posting the latest and various ‘goings on’ in my life, per music.
I’m excited to share that I have been back in the studio again this fall, working on a new project: both covers and originals. Unlike the Mosaic and Sunstones instrumental albums (I still use that term as I’m unabashedly old school) this collection of tunes will be guitar/vocal/band material. I expect to be working on these gems through the spring.
This past year, I have stayed extraordinarily busy with my live performance schedule. I find myself playing much more nylon string guitar these days, which, aside from being easier on my hands, has greatly affected my playing style… in the most exciting of ways. You’ll be hearing this subtle transition more and more in my music.
I hope this finds you doing well, I so appreciate having you in my life. Happy Thanksgiving!
Fondly, Jeff